Hike over to Ministyle Blog to see their very nice feature on Yolk as well as one of our favorite collaborators Lily Glass!
We are so excited to announce a brand new series titled “A Day in LA” here on the blog. Along with our photo contributor, Lily Glass, and the adorable Los Angeles based, YOLK shop, we will be sharing our favorite ways to spend a day in Los Angeles with our little ones in tow.
Lily’s daughter, Ruthie, is seen here at the Instagram worthy hiking stairs in Silver Lake. Even if your kiddos aren’t up for a hike to the top, it’s still an epic little spot for a photo opp!
Right down the road, is our favorite one stop shopping destination, YOLK. Yolk carries everything from cool gifts, quality toys, artisan goods and creative homewares. We love to drop by to pick up goodies for the kiddos! Their selection is always the best in town. They carry all of our favorites- Ultraviolet Kids, Petit Bateau, Mini Rodini and so much more!
For the full feature, follow the link below: